It’s that time of the year again, when everyone else is partying and having fun (or maybe not – WTF IGDA?) at GDC in San Francisco. I’ll try to collect any links to lecture materials I come across. If you know of stuff missing here, please tell me about it on Twitter @TheJare. You can also check industry sites like Gamasutra, Polygon or Develop for ongoing coverage, and hopefully a lot of these materials will show up in the GDC Vault soon.
Edit: also check out eXile’s awesome and better organized compilation (focused on programming & rendering).
- Virtual Go by Glenn Fiedler (also check his entire series of articles)
- Continuous Collision by Erin Catto (lots of stuff from him there)
- Indie Soapbox (reprise), on technology and design spaces by David Rosen
- No One Knows About Your Game (rehearsal) by Chris Hecker
- Orthogonal Matching Pursuit and K-SVD for Sparse Encoding by Robin Green and Manny Ko
- Intel HD Graphics Samples from Intel
- There is No Escape: Designing Videogames for Maximum Real-Life Impact by Jane McGonigal (plus lots of research links)
- Building Scalable Cloud Tech for Mobile / Social Games by Paul Winterhalder
- Designing Without a Pitch – FTL Postmortem (writeup, slides here) by Matthew Davis and Justin Ma
- Empowering the Player in a Story-rich World by Harvey Smith and Raphael Colantonio
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (video) panel with Hideo Kojima
- Loading from Imperfect Data by Andreas Fredriksson
- Network Serialization and Routing in World of Warcraft by Joe Rumsey
- Molyjam: How Twitter Jokes Can Save Video Games (video) by Anna Kipnis
- Smack Talk, Big Data, and Localization by Liesl Leary
- Modular Level Design for Skyrim by Joel Burgess and Nathan Purkeypile
- Fair Use rant (video) by Chris Hecker
- Halo 4 Postmortem (video) by Kevin Grace, Frank O’Connor, Kiki Wolfkill and Matt McCloskey
- Destiny: Building a Brave New World (video) by Bungie
- Classic Games Postmortem – XCOM: UFO Defense (video) by Julian Gollop
- Usability is not Random by Mike Acton (check his repo for lots of other talks)
- The Western Mobile Games That Conquered China by Henry Fong
- COLLADA to WebGL by Remi Arnaud
- Biff Boom Pow: Introducing Students to Sound for Games by Karen Collins
- Surviving Free-to-Play for Small & Early-Stage Start-Ups by Margaret Wallace
- OMG! Zombies on the Great Wall of China! by James Gwertzman
- Game Educator’s Rant 2013: The Telltale Job Ad (reprise) by Clara Fernandez-Vara
- The Velveteen Marine – The Power of Belief in Natural Selection 2 by Charlie Cleveland
- Why Virtual Reality Is Hard (and where it might be going) by Michael Abrash (also, a transcript of the talk)
- Crowdfunding for Indies: Real Numbers and Trends by Thomas Bidaux
- The Future of Storytelling by Jesse Schell
- Building Games for the Long Term by Emily Greer
- Spaces in the Sandbox by Matthew Jack
- Math for Game Programmers: Dual Numbers by Gino van den Bergen
- Physics for Game Programmers: Spatial Data Structures by Gino van den Bergen
- Understanding Quaternions by Jim Van Verth
- A Gamer’s Guide to Parenting by Carla Fisher
- Duct Tape Award Acceptance Rant by Scott Jon Siegel
- Designing Virtual Markets for Fun and Profit by Vili Lehdonvirta
- Of Choice and Breaking New Ground: Designing Mark of the Ninja by Nels Anderson
- We Are Not Heroes: Contextualizing Violence Through Narrative (video) by Walt Williams
- Why Are You Making Games? (Indie Soapbox reprise) by Noel Llopis
- Working Together: Solutions for Collaborative Asset Creation by Niklas Frykholm
- Under the Hood of Blizzard’s Internal Build System by Blaine Whittle
- Supercharging Word of Mouth by Jussi Laakkonen
- Story-telling as Problem Solving: Defender’s Quest by Lars Doucet
- Lessons Learned Porting Team Fortress 2 to Virtual Reality by Joe Ludwig
- Diablo 3 Postmortem (photos) by Jay Wilson and Wyatt Cheng
- Free to Play Game Design: A Year in Review (video) by Juan Gril, Steve Meretzky and Dave Rohrl
- Video Game Business Models and Emerging Trends Among Consumers by Robb Lewis
- Guild Wars 2: Scaling from one to millions by Stephen Clarke-Willson
- Low-Level Thinking in High-Level Shading Languages by Emil Persson
- Horizon and Beyond: A look into Tomb Raider’s Tools by Jason Yao
- Porting Source to Linux: Valve’s Lessons Learned (author?)
- The Rendering Technologies of Crysis 3 by Tiago Sousa, Carsten Wenzel and Chris Raine
- Hothead Rant (writeup) by Mitu Khandaker on race and representation
- Hothead Rant (writeup) by Anna Marsh on crunch and “being hardcore”
- Candy Crush Saga Postmortem: Luck in the Right Places (video) by Tommy Palm
- Everything from Nvidia
- Eliminating Texture Waste: Borderless Realtime Ptex by John McDonald
- Particle Shadows & Cache-Efficient Post-Processing by Louis Bavoil and Jon Jansen
- Three Years of Collaboration on Assassin’s Creed III (video) by Marc-Alexis Cote, Alexander Hutchinson, Damien Kieken, Francois Pelland, Hugues Ricour
- Everything from Intel
- Multiplatform C++ on the Web with Emscripten by Chad Austin
- Indie Soapbox, Ranting about Text by Emily Short
- Classic Game Postmortem: Myst (video) by Robyn Miller
- Compiling C++ to JavaScript by Alon Zakai
- The Polling Problem by Dino Dini
- Dear compiler please don’t be my nanny by Dino Dini
- Little Hands, Foul Moods and Runny Noses: Mobile Games for Kids by Carla Engelbrecht
- Igniting the Spark: Building Online Services for Borderlands 2 by Jimmy Sieben
- Casting a New Light on a Familiar Face: Light Based Rendering in Tomb Raider by Jason Yao
- A Survivor Reborn: Tomb Raider on DX11 by Jason Lacroix
- Constraint propagation is your friend by Ian Horswill and Leif Foged (also, the tutorial)
- Supply Chain and Paper Simulations of Digital Games by Stone Librande (Game Design Workshop)
- Simulating a City, One Page at a Time by Stone Librande
- Genre and Creativity by James Lantz
- Implementing a Rewindable Instant Replay System for Temporal Debugging by Mark Wesley
- Everything from AMD
- Presence, Self and Storytelling by Thomas Grip
- The ethics and psychology of the ‘freemium’ model (video) with Eli Hodapp, Arash Keshmirian, Kevin Pazirandeh, Keith Shepherd
- Hothead rant (writeup) by Naomi Clark on why games should be striving to mean more
Constantly updated…
Pingback: Martin Codes – Cool Link Stash, March 2013
Hi there. I also have been collecting numerous talks from the GDC 2013; you can find them here:
When comparing our lists (I only collected programming and rendering related talks), I got three other talks to add to your list:
1. Next Generation Character Rendering (only a teaser available yet, however the page will be presumably updated soon)
2. Horizon and Beyond: A Look into Tomb Raider’s Tools
3. A Survivor Reborn: Tomb Raider on DX11 – Jason Lacroix (Crystal Dynamics)
Cheers and keep up the good work.
Sorry, the second item in the list should read:
2. Casting a New Light on a Familiar Face: Light Based Rendering in Tomb Raider
Its so easy to get a little bit disoriented by the sheer number of talks. 😉
Thanks a lot eXile, great stuff!